Uluslararası Sempozyum


The Template of Ful Text (ENGLISH)
(Title, Times New Roman, 14 Pt, Bold, Center)

Papers to be printed in the  conference proceedings book must not exceed 3000 words including the references and appendices.

Author(s) (Name and Surname, Times New Roman, 12 Pt, normal, center)

Address (Times New Roman, 11 Pt, center, italic, different address point out by
superscript (a, b, ...))
E-mail address(Times New Roman, 10 Pt, italic, center)

Sample Address: Inonu University, Faculty of Healty Sciences , Department of Child Development, MALATYA


Abstract (justify, Times New Roman, 11 pt, indent, includes introduction, advance and conclusions).

Keyword: Keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword.


          Özet metin (iki yana dayali, tek satir araligi, Times New Roman, 11 punto, paragraf basi yapilarak, giris, gelisme, sonuç ve tartismalari içermelidir).

          Anahtar Kelimeler: Anahtar Kelimeler, Anahtar Kelimeler, Anahtar Kelimeler,