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Society, Politics, and Economy
12 -13 October 2019

The aim of the congress, which will be held internationally as the eighth by BILSAM this year, is to develop a qualified and in-depth understanding of society, politics and economy relations with different perspectives.

This congress is available to all participants in Turkey and the world dealing with the relationship between politics, society and economy with an academic perspective. After being evaluated and approved by the scientific committee, the full texts of the papers submitted in the congress will be published as a proceedings book with ISBN number. In addition, the SPECIAL NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY JOURNAL will be issued for the congress and the studies that will be published in the publication process of the journal will be published as a special issue. Another option is that the studies of the researchers can be published as a book section by BILSAM.

The registration fee is 300 TL. For registration, a fee will be paid to the BILSAM’s account at Turkish Financial Participation Bank Malatya branch TR61 0020 6000 4700 8652 4500 01 and the receipts will be sent to bilsamkongre@gmail.com. (Only one paper can be submitted with one registration fee, 150 TL registration fee will be charged for each additional paper. Congress fee includes congress bag, lunch, title, pencil, participation certificate)